X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

3. It Isn't Heartless, It's Genuinely Emotional

Apocaypse Villain
20th Century Fox

Words like "heartless" tend to crop up in many of the reviews for Apocalypse, but this feels like an inappropriate branding, all things considered... there are lots of emotional moments to be found in Singer's latest flick, you've just got to be willing to look at the film with an open mind.

How can a picture with that devastating Magneto scene, in which his wife and child are accidentally murdered and he's brought to his knees in the Polish woods, be considered to lack emotional punch? It's a gut-wrenching scene, and one that lingers in your memory banks long after the credits have rolled.

Then there's the finale, which many have attacked for being overblown. There's an element of excess to Apocalypse's final sequence, sure, what with the wasteland setting and Magneto relentlessly destroying the Earth using the metal in its core. But the moment where Professor X almost perishes in his duel with Apocalypse, and convinces Jean Grey to join him in the mind battle, is genuinely emotional.

As she finally realises the extent of her powers and the X-Men join forces, it's a crowing moment for the franchise. Heartless? Pah! It's truly affecting stuff!


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.