You'll Never Get 100% On This Justice League Quiz!

With the Snyder Cut just around the corner, how much do you remember about the 2017 Justice League?

Justice League 2017
Warner Bros.

The Justice League should have been great.

The casting was great. A visionary director was attached to the project. The previous film, Wonder Woman, was fantastic. Everything was looking good. However, director Zack Snyder had to step away due to personal reasons and Joss Whedon was brought in to finish the film.

The resulting product was a choppy mess with various story inconsistencies. Looking back at the film, it seems like these issues stem from heavy studio interference, with Warner Bros. wanting a lighter tone for the film. Similar to the successful Avengers franchise.

These opposing visions of Snyder and Whedon made for a very rough viewing experience. Especially when it came to the reshoots. This led to the infamous CGI moustache controversy which left the film as a laughing stock. The fact that this big budget blockbuster couldn't convincingly hide Henry Cavill's moustache was outrageous.

Three years on from the release, the controversy only grows. The infamous Snyder Cut is preparing for release, with fans heralding the film as the behemoth that will surely surpass the original film. But that's not to say Justice League 2017 wasn't a landmark in the genre. How much can you remember about the first feature film with these iconic heroes?

1. What Song Plays During The Opening Credits?


Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.