"Your a BUSH, act like one!" - Oliver Stone's W. trailer leaks

Funny. Oliver Stone you are a genius. "What a Wonderful World" played over a George Bush montage - now that is just Golden my friend. I couldn't stop chuckling through the last half of the trailer so I missed what happened, the first half though was a little clunky. And if it were any other director than Stone, I would attack the movie for being too much of a comedy in the brief scenes between Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.

After World Trade Center, this is exactly the kind of movie Stone needed right now. A movie which thrusts his anger in a different direction. The trailer wasn't suppose to play until tonight on Access Hollywood, but here it is a good number of hours early for your viewing pleasure...

And isn't Richard Dreyfuss just inspired as Dick Cheney?

Josh Brolin, if you get an Academy Award for playing Bush - your career will never be the same!

Look for W. in October. Something tells me you won't be able to avoid this one, it's gonna be huge!

source - /film


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.