Zack Snyder's Justice League: All Characters Ranked Worst To Best

6. Steppenwolf

Jessie Eisenberg Lex Luthor Justice League
Warner Bros.

While a very underdeveloped character in the theatrical cut with little to no motivation, Snyder provides Steppenwolf with some crucial character development and a more intimidating appearance in his version of the film.

His motivations for his actions stem from making a mistake and betraying his people, resulting in him being unable to return home until he is able to make up for his past crimes against Darkseid. Seeing Steppenwolf's devotion to Darkseid and motivation to return home, alongside some more ruthlessness in his action sequences, display how powerful and feared a servant he is to Darkseid.

While the character is ultimately killed by the combined efforts of Aquaman, Superman and Wonder Woman, Steppenwolf proved a strong threat for the Justice League, Amazonians and Atlanteans, with all the groups being unable to stop him for a time. And let it be said, the Justice League only prevailed against their foe due to a heavy assist from Superman.


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