10 Best Video Game Moments Of 2015 (So Far)

8. Getting Revenge On Gryff Whitehill - Game Of Thrones

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx34xCL3-ac Although developers Telltale definitely need to be taken to task for releasing such a broken and shoddy product in many spots, there are occasions where their Game of Thrones tie-in can put you right in the middle of an incredibly intense scenario, every narrative cog then turning based on your own actions. Such a moment came in the third episode of this new series, where after seeing your family's stature and homeland be abused by the evil hobbit-looking maniac Ramsay Snow, he gave power over to rival family the Whitehills, to which you'll then find out second-in-line Gryff is a bit of a... well, you know the sort. As such, playing as the wounded war-returner Rodrik, you've already put up with multiple instances of being talked down to, or 'put in your place' - leading to a fantastic confrontation in the main feasting hall where you can do what characters in the show rarely stick around long enough for; standing up to whoever's belittled you. The brilliant part is Telltale give the controls over to you as well, meaning it's down to how many times you want to jab the button that dictate just how fractured you'd like Gryff's face to be in the end. My take? I left him breathing, but just barely.
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