10 Dragon Ball Games So Bad They Insult The Fanbase
5. Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout
The warning signs concerning the quality of this title are pretty apparent the moment you find out that this game actually has very little to do with the GT aspect of the series.
Sure, most of the characters make an appearance but so do tones of familiar faces from other arcs, making you painfully aware that this title was just trying to trade on the at the time, hottest aspect of the license. Things don't fare much better when you begin playing Final Bout, as the sluggish controls hamper the gameplay at every turn.
If you were to even glimpse at the anime you'd know that battles consist of warriors moving at lightning speed. However, here, you'd more often than not be rooted to the ground in a power struggle or fail to move out of the way of projectiles, thanks to a system that I swear has input lag, which is pretty much the death knell for any fighting game.
Also, Goku's spin kick can be spammed so that you beat every boss in mere seconds. Trust me, you'll want to speed through this, because my god this game is laborious.
In short, Final Bout never even made it close to the goddam ring.