10 Dragon Ball Games So Bad They Insult The Fanbase
3. Dragon Ball Z - Goku Hishouden
When you think of Dragon Ball you likely think of battles that could rip a planet in half, of power levels that your scouter shrivels at even thinking about and of final forms more terrifying than when you're three years deep into a relationship and your partner finally mentions they hate Power Rangers.
I know.
However you likely don't think of chess and visual novels, and yet that's exactly what Goku Hishoden delivers in full.
This odd request fulfilment of a game is unlike anything I've played before and that is not a good thing, for while I acknowledge that the limited hardware of the Game Boy meant that epic battles were out of the question, the concept of stacking up attacks before a fight and then just letting them play out like Football Manager is the ultimate way to kill my enthusiasm.
Don't get me wrong, there is a deeper combat mode on offer here than most of the other titles, but it's needlessly complex, and the battles you take part in are the sole highlight in a title that rushes through every bit of narrative it has like it's unconfident in telling the Frieza arc.
And when you consider that it's one of the most beloved arcs of all time, that's not a good thing.