10 Industry-Defining Video Games That Are Nowhere To Be Seen
1. Half-Life
To modestly understate, the Half-Life series is critically acclaimed. Ridiculously so. Half-Life 2 is widely regarded as the best game ever - it was a forerunner of the first-person shooter genre; the puzzle elements were challenging without being aggravating; the story was engrossing; the environments were expansive and the physics engine amazingly realistic. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Every single aspect of the game - soundtrack, AI, characterisation - set the standard for the competition to live up to. You'd think it would be a simple decision to make another sequel, right?
Famously, Valve have thought otherwise. With the release of Half-Life 2: Episode One and Episode Two, it isn't like there has been no development whatsoever, but they were released in 2007. That's a long, long time to wait for information.
Half-Life 3 takes the title of "Most anticipated game in history", judging by the amount of hype generated around it - so much so that it developed into its own meme. Whether or not this is a good thing is debatable - can the actual game, if and when it does get made, ever live up to such expectation?
Fans certainly hope so, but only time will tell, as currently the series is still in limbo.
Which legendary games do you love that haven't had sequels in far too long? Let us know in the comments!