10 Major Missteps By Video Game Companies

3. Literally Everything - Fallout 76

Warcraft 3

Bethesda games are widely known to be broken and full of unintended hilarity. It is a part of their charm, and we the fans walk into each new game knowing it will be several things: Epic, massive, and buggy as all hell.

Players watching mammoths sinking into the ground or being send flying by giants in Skyrim roared their approval. But not even the most cynical Bethesda fans were expecting the mess that Fallout 76 turned out to be.

Announced to much excitement, fans were ecstatic to finally be able to share the open world experience with their friends. The decision to create a multiplayer ONLY experience in which there was no single player, NPCS or even really anything to do, was a baffling one which lead to severe fan backlash. On top of this the game is broken well beyond what fans consider acceptable or part of the Bethesda charm.

Dull, monotonous and unplayably broken, all we had wanted was two player Skyrim, it is amazing that Bethesda could a simple demand so incredibly wrong. Even after so many months of fixes Fallout 76 remains the lowest rated Bethesda game of all time, and that's not even including the fallout from the infamous Nylon bag controversy.


Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....