10. Dragons (Skyrim)
I don't know about you, but for me, these dragons are not fun to face. Whenever I saw or heard one of these beasts coming, I drop whatever I'm doing and take off for the nearest safe haven. If I have nowhere to escape from them, I jump on my horse and take off for the nearest city, because frankly, this is not a foe I'm willing to take on alone. It is extremely hard to defeat a dragon by yourself, and unless you have a lot of potion to restore life and a very strong weapon, I do not advise you to take on one of these by yourself. Granted, the rewards you get for defeating one of these foes is great, but usually not worth it for me. Normally in video games, I like to be the hero: I like to be the one that saves the day and I'm stubborn enough to keep trying until I accomplish my goal, but in this instance, I like to close my eyes, click my heels three times, and wish I was back in Kansas with Todo. Speaking of beasts that are very hard to take out....