10 Video Games That Let You Play As The Boss
Why fight when you can be one?

Fighting video game bosses is hard work. They usually come equipped with special abilities and buffs that give them an unfair advantage, making you wish you could get some of that power yourself.
Well, although they are meant to serve as a challenge for you to overcome, some bosses can be secretly made playable if you manage to meet the right requirements.
Whether by defeating them in combat or fulfilling some other special objective, the bosses can lend you their strength in future playthroughs and let you enjoy it (or abuse it) to your heart's content.
The best part is that the type of games we're talking about here specifically doesn't undermine the character's abilities once you unlock them, meaning that you can truly experience what it's like to be a video game boss.
If you'd like to find out how much fun it can be to play as the boss you struggled to defeat, the following list will show you how to unlock their power for yourself!
10. Evil Mode Characters - Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is a unique turn-based RPG from 2004 set in the beloved world of J.R.R. Tolkien. The main characters of the game are a group of adventurers tasked with finding Boromir, but it also features a secret “evil mode” in which you actually get to play as the enemies you fought during your journey, including all of the bosses!
The evil mode is unlocked fairly simply. All you have to do is beat the stage, and you unlock the ability to replay it as its villains. The first evil stage is obtained after finishing the West Moria part of the map, and from this point on, every subsequent level you complete allows you to reexperience things from the evil’s perspective.
It is an absolutely novel and one-of-a-kind mechanic within the genre, and it’s surprisingly in-depth, too. You start off fighting your hero characters as orcs, then you move onto trolls, then Nazguls, and even the legendary demon, Balrog.
Best of all, you get to use the same power the bosses were able to use on you originally, meaning that you can feel exactly how satisfying it is to kick your own butt.
Wait, that didn’t come out right!