11 Old-School Video Game Bars We'd Love To Visit In Real Life
9. Neely's Bar - Silent Hill 2
You can find horror-themed bars and restaurants in real life, but have you ever seen one modelled after Neely's Bar? No. No, you haven't.
There's a very good reason for that, as I'm sure you'd agree.
That said, the thrill-seeking types might feel differently about the dilapidated building, the dirt and rust-stained furniture, and the cryptic messages written in blood.
There's something to be said for atmosphere, which is where Silent Hill games excel. Still, unless a real-life Neely's opened in broad daylight and we brought a friend, a flashlight http://i810.photobucket.com/albums/zz26/LetsPlayPictures/Harvest%20Moon%2064/Chapter%2045/HarvestMoon64Usnap0056_zps044b92da.jpgand a loaded handgun, we might leave this bar to the risk-takers among us.