14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

12. Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Release date: 4th November Okay this is it, the tipping point between "Fine, just one more" and being done with this series. Although a great many of people are already residing in the latter camp, there's also a healthy mixture of curious parties, fans of the new direction they're taking and long-time devotees who are pretty psyched about the newest instalment. Taking on board Kevin Spacey to hopefully give the campaign a bit of weight and ensure it's not a forgotten component, Advanced Warfare also aims to also deliver on what Titanfall could not - weighty and thoroughly enjoyable futuristic combat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUysNWHffWg Being developed by first-timers Sledgehammer Games along with the far more futuristic feeling the trailers have given off means there's every chance of this finally being something other than just another yearly iteration with zero innovation.
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