14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

10. Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Release date: 11th November This is such a weird inclusion, because from the outside you'd think people would be more than annoyed at the idea of Microsoft selling back to them games from generations ago. Although you'd be wrong, as the crowd-reaction at this year's E3 when this was revealed - along with the general fan-fervour online has proved - we just can't get enough of old-school classic Halo. For the MCC collection (consisting of 343 Industries' Anniversary edition of the first alongside remastered 2, 3 and 4) the jewel in an already very shiny crown is the fully-revamped Halo 2, which being it's from two generations ago will be fully reworked to bring it up to scratch. Alongside remastered maps, textures and touched-up audio 343 have mentioned the actual mechanics and 'feel' of it will be - and we quote - "Exactly the same as it was 10 years ago", which is either cause for much celebration as was at the time of the reveal, or a few groans at the back. Either way you can't deny Halo its place in history, and a gussied up version that makes it replayable on newer tech is a worthy inclusion to anyone's library regardless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWCGN1O_0m8 Finally for those dying for something new there'll be additional cinematics that apparently help lead into Halo 5, alongside a weekly episodic 'series' of shorts directed by none-other than Ridley Scott to whet the appetites of those who actually quite enjoyed 2012's Forward Unto Dawn live-action flick.
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