15 Good Reasons To Hate Modern Gaming

8. Soaring Budgets

Video games are getting more and more expensive as time goes on. Part of this is only natural due to the current economic and societal standards. However, much of it is excessive. If the indie games have proven anything, it€™s that money alone does not automatically make a game good. Publishers don€™t understand this, so they needlessly throw tons of money into their big November titles. Combine this with the often obnoxious and needless advertising, and you€™ve got publishers spending millions on one game. This has a negative impact on modern gaming because many games€™ expenditures outpace copies sold, leading to a loss of profits, despite it still selling exceedingly well. As a result, game companies loss money while spending more. Meanwhile, more competition pushes them to continue spending more in order to compete. It€™s a vicious cycle, and certainly one reason to hate modern gaming.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.