20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

7. Sora

Video Game Characters
Square Enix

"My friends are my power!"

Sora is one of the most iconic game characters of the 2000’s because he somehow managed to merge two of the most unlikely franchises of all time with Disney and Final Fantasy.

In the case of Sora, his personality is the thing that makes him so memorable. There isn't really a character out there who is like him, and his constant quest to reunite his friends is so endearing that he's just instantly loveable.

Despite seeming like a fairly simple character because of this simplicity, Sora's journey from the first Kingdom Hearts game has really developed his character, and we as player's have grown up alongside him. This is one of the reasons why gamers are so connected to him.

It's not often that you see people clamouring for a game like they have been for Kingdom Hearts III, but one of the biggest reasons is that they want to see what happens at the end of Sora's journey. He's truly a character that's left a lasting impression on the hearts of many.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.