20 Underrated Hidden Gaming Gems Of The Current Generation You Need To Play
14. Transformers: Devastation
It's a damn shame that millions of people growing up genuinely only know a world where 'Transformers' relates to hotpants, luring camerawork and soulless explosions.
For any and all who used to watch the original Transformers cartoon though, Devastation is gift-wrapped and made just for you. Thankfully, with Bayonetta/Metal Gear Rising's Platinum Games behind the wheel, it plays spectacularly; the firework displays of combos you can string together being a genuine delight to watch.
That said, it's with the unabashed fan service and "It's okay guys, we got you" feel that turns into a direct response to the shlocky 'Bayhem'-caked Hollywood flicks, that makes Devastation all the more refreshing in action.