9 Crippling Problems With The Video Game Industry (And How To Fix Them)
4. Importance Of Graphics Is WAY Overblown
The Problem: After pandering to the "D'argh it's just not shiny enough!" PC crowd, we've arrived at a point where visuals and graphics are touted as something that's just as important as gameplay. Let me ask you some questions though: Do you care about 4K? How about dynamic shadows or increased detail waaay off in the distance? Is a game fundamentally better if a character is rendered in lifelike detail?
Of course not. Uncharted 4 could've looked like a PS1 game and still been one of the Games of the Year. Likewise, something like a Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, a Mega Man X or a Metal Gear Solid wouldn't benefit whatsoever from a smoother aesthetic.
The Solution: Gameplay trumps graphics, substance trumps style. It's that simple.
The whole "Look how GOOD this looks!" approach to selling video games is as old as time, but should've died off when HD TVs first came out, because we're literally at a point where developers spend years upon years perfecting the texture of a random NPC's coat, just so they can get accepted by the mainstream consumer.
Sony especially need to back off the 4K train, and showcase the features of their games that we're going to interact with and enjoy, not just stare at. In this medium, gameplay is - or should be - everything, and that's a sentiment many could do with reminding themselves about.