9 Reasons Overwatch Is The Most Exciting Gaming Franchise In Decades
5. Blizzard Arent Afraid Of Sex Appeal
Yes, yes, there arent anywhere near as many hunky dudes as there are sultry dudettes, but theres nothing wrong with escapist fantasy, and the inherent ballooning of certain 'aspects' that comes alongside.
Blizzard more than get that the average gamer - or the stereotype of gamers, anyway - like their entertainment to be big, brash, colourful and appealing in all respects.
The Widowmaker is a Kardashian-rumped badass sniper, Tracer an uber-cute "Cup o' tea, guv'nor?"-type, and D.Va a Gundam fans wet dream. As for the dudes, Hanzo and McCree have the cool, calm, rogueish look to a T. There are a ton of uniquely designed characters too; Pharah is a missile barrage-equipped space marine, whilst Zarya sports bright pink hair and regularly flexes her huge muscles. You can tell there's been a concerted effort to both titillate and innovate, creating an overall design aesthetic that's immensely appealing.
In 2016 we tend to get VERY hung up on denigrating characters just for the sake of being sexually appealing, and its extremely refreshing to see that not being the case here.