4. Incentives For Teamwork
I love the fact that Battlefield divides teams up into various squads, with the idea being that this will promote teamwork by compartmentalising players into ready-made sub-teams. However, while it's a nice idea in theory, in practice too many players just run around like headless chickens, getting themselves and others killed through their errant stupidity. To fix this, EA needs to ensure that players are encouraged to actually operate as a team, and how can they do this? Give out XP for keeping rank and performing objectives as a squad will incentivise play; perhaps even give players perks for the duration that they manage to hold rank, though if they break rank or members of the team die, these perks disappear. If EA could find a way to implement it, this could be a revolutionary way to cut down on the attention-defecit gunplay of Call of Duty and actually result in gunfights that are drawn out and dripping with tension.