3. Too Many Dicks on the Death Floor
As with any hugely popular online game, CoD has attracted dicks of all shapes, sizes and consistency from around the globe. These dicks are of course a minority - I find that people are basically good, even gamers - but online, even those who display just a small tendency to be dickish in real life are amplified ten-fold. Its something to do with the anonymity. It makes these guys go mental. Ive had some vile filth spewed at me whilst playing CoD, all for maybe fumbling slightly, or dying slightly too easily, and thanks to the high octane nature of the gameplay, it seems to often be worse than even that which Ive encountered on World of Warcraft (a place where dicks often migrate to permanently when the world has gotten sick of them). And obviously, as CoDs online community grows, its dick community grows along with it. I encounter far fewer of these douche bag players on most every other online shooter I play and the only thing I can think of to explain it to myself is that the CoD online community is just too big a beast. People are too fervent, too precious about the way its played, and the way it should be played. And if you play it wrong, according to their personal mandate, then so help you. In my eyes, this is one of the early warning signs of a decaying online community. As a result, and at least 6 other people I know and have spoken to on just this topic, would rather take our online competitive spirit somewhere else. And Im willing to be there are plenty more of you out there.