10 Horror Movie Characters You Trusted (But Shouldn't Have)

8. Jill Roberts - Scream 4

Predators Edwin
Dimension Films

Given that the third Scream movie literally had the Ghostface killer be Sidney's (Neve Campbell) half-brother Roman (Scott Foley), fans probably should've put Sid's cousin, Jill Roberts (Emma Roberts), under some additional scrutiny in Scream 4.

But with pre-release rumours indicating that Scream 4 was set to be a soft reboot of-sorts for the franchise, it was easy to believe that Jill - who, frankly, had Final Girl written all over her - would basically be "the new Sidney."

And so, suspicion was quite ingeniously cast away from her towards a glut of more likely suspects, only for the third act to reveal that, indeed, Jill was one of the film's two Ghostface killers - and the primary one, no less.

It's a credit to Emma Roberts' performance that she's absolutely persuasive as both the vulnerable, pre-reveal Jill and her psychopathic, post-unmasking true self, and that the two "sides" of the character still feel of-a-piece with one another.

All the same, after Scream 3 flat-out told us not to take Sid's relatives at face value, we should've known better than to trust that Jill wouldn't get stab-happy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.