10 Horror Movie Characters You Trusted (But Shouldn't Have)

4. Cecily Moore - Werewolves Within

Predators Edwin
IFC Films

An easy way for filmmakers to cast suspicion away from a villainous character? Make them as adorable and charming as possible.

And there's a good chance that most folks watching Werewolves Within were positively smitten with Cecily Moore (Milana Vayntrub) - the chirpy, dry-witted mail carrier who helps forest ranger Finn Wheeler (Sam Richardson) investigate werewolf attacks in a sleepy Vermont town.

But Cecily's appealing personality and, well, everything merely provides the perfect smokescreen to blind audiences and keep her secret villainy concealed in plain sight.

Alas, the third act sees Cecily finally reveal that she has been the werewolf all along, and schemed to have the town's citizens start killing one another in their paranoia, in turn providing her with easy food.

And no, there's no sentimental sob story or miraculous turnaround for her - she remains a murderous antagonist-with-a-capital-A all the way to the end of the movie, revealing she didn't really harbour any feelings for Finn at all, before attempting to kill him.

However, Finn and a fellow resident of the town, Jeanine (Catherine Curtin), ultimately manage to put Cecily down for the count.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.