10 Horror Movie Characters You Trusted (But Shouldn't Have)

5. Edwin - Predators

Predators Edwin

If Spider-Man 3 proved anything, it's that it's tough to take Topher Grace seriously as a murderous villain, which teed up his casting in 2010's Predators quite perfectly.

Grace appears in the film as Edwin, a doctor who seems completely out of place among the movie's cast of killers and all-around garden variety psychopaths.

Everything about Edwin suggests that he's a relatively harmless, buffoonish guy - basically the least-threatening character in the movie by a country mile.

And so, it comes as quite a shock when he eventually reveals himself to have far more in common with his marooned comrades than expected - he was actually a serial killer back on Earth and intends to stay on this mysterious planet.

While there are absolutely hints to Edwin's true nature which become more obvious on repeat viewings, on that initial watch Topher Grace brings such a wouldn't-hurt-a-fly quality to the role that, combined with his inherent likeability as an actor, it's tough to peg him as a cloak-and-dagger killer.

He certainly gets what's coming to him by film's end, though, with protagonist Royce (Adrien Brody) rigging him up to a series of grenades to act as explosive bait for one of the Predators.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.