10 Horror Movies With The Most Shocking Monster Reveals

1. Gabriel - Malignant

Wendigo Antlers
Warner Bros.

Madison is just an ordinary gal living an ordinary life. That is, until, her violent dreams start coming to life.

After doing some digging, Madison finds that she is actually called Emily and was adopted at a young age. It is also revealed that she shares her body with another tenant - her parasitic twin, Gabriel.

Formed as a result of two embryos not splitting correctly in the womb, Gabriel once fully protruded out of Madison's back, but surgery removed most of his extremities. His brain remained, however, and when Madison finds herself under attack in prison, he takes over.

Madison pulls open the back of her head to reveal Gabriel's malformed face in amongst the gore, as the rest of the inmates scream in horror. This isn't your typical horror body transformation - this is an entirely separate person emerging from someone else, and it is gloriously grim.

Gabriel then proceeds to brutally kill everyone using Madison's body. Because of course he does.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.