10 Horror Movies With The Most Shocking Monster Reveals

2. The Wendigo - Antlers

Wendigo Antlers
Searchlight Picutres

In Algonquian Native American folklore, a wendigo is an evil spirit that, when it possesses a human, transforms them into a bloodthirsty husk of their former self with a taste for human flesh.

In 2021's Antlers, a wendigo is... well, pretty much that. Except it has antlers.

Julia is a schoolteacher worried that one of her students, Lucas, is being abused at home. The truth is much worse than that - Lucas' father Frank has been taken by a wendigo spirit, and is slowly transforming.

After killing Lucas' principal, Frank's metamorphosis is turbocharged so that, when Julia eventually finds him, he is warped beyond recognition.

Following the sounds of eating in a darkened mine, Julia shines a light on Frank, or the being once known as Frank. Now, he is a bloody mess, skin hanging off his face and gnarly antlers bursting from his ruptured skull. This is a creature of pure evil, and Julia just peed it off royally.

Bad move.

Antlers does such a great job in drawing out the wendigo's first full appearance that, by the time you first see it, you are ensnared by its savage beauty.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.