10 Horror Sequels EVERYONE Wants To See

1. Better Watch Out 2

Trick 'r Treat
Well Go USA

First off, if you haven't seen yuletide-themed horror flick Better Watch Out yet, just go out and do that now, no matter that we're a long way off from Christmas.

This deliciously well-crafted psychological horror flick had some seriously savage twists up its sleeve, and even ended on a note which teed up a future rematch between the hero and villain, both of whom survived.

But it's been more than seven years since Better Watch Out was released, and we seem to be no closer to a sequel, the prospect of which has likely evaporated given the amount of time that's passed.

Writer-director Chris Peckover, who hasn't made a film since, revealed back in 2022 that he has an idea for a sequel, and one which would take place many years later, thereby easily explaining the large chasm of time between movies.

But it doesn't seem like any actual genuine business progress has been made on greenlighting Better Watch Out 2, so it remains a dim-at-best possibility.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.