10 More Dumb Decisions In Horror Movies That Got The Villain Killed

7. Adam Uses the Dumbest Weapon Possible Against A Ghost - Unfriended

Anaconda Jon Voight Death
Universal Pictures

In Unfriended, a bunch of teens are chatting on Skype, when they discover there's an unknown caller among them.

Over time, they discover this uninvited guest is the ghost of Laura, a classmate who took her own life. Believing each member of the chat deserves to die, Laura vows to murder them all unless they come clean about the sins they committed. When several of the chatroom friends dismiss Laura's threats, she compels them to kill themselves.

Even after witnessing the death of his friends, Adam refuses to take Laura seriously. Considering he raped a girl and forced her to get an abortion, this dirtbag has more reason than almost anyone to suffer Laura's wrath.

Nevertheless, Adam thinks he's got everything covered since he has a secret weapon - a gun. If Laura shows herself, Adam believes he can blast her away... despite the fact she's already dead!

What makes Adam's plan dumber is the fact he knows Laura can take control of anyone she wishes. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Laura possesses Adam shortly after, forcing him to blow his brains out. 

Seriously, how did he think his master plan was going to pan out?

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