10 More Dumb Decisions In Horror Movies That Got The Villain Killed

6. Steve Thinks Noa Trusts Him - Fresh

Anaconda Jon Voight Death
Searchlight Pictures

In Fresh, Noa believes her love life is looking up after a chance encounter with a handsome stranger called Steve. Little does she know his appetite is not the same as hers.

After luring her to an isolated cabin, Steve knocks Noa out before locking her in a dungeon. When she comes to, Steve reveals he's a cannibal and intends Noa to be his latest meal.

When Noa tries to escape, Steve recaptures her and cleaves the flesh off her buttocks as punishment. Refusing to give up, Noa pretends to be fascinated by cannibalism, and asks Steve if she can eat human flesh as well.

Even though Steve makes it clear he still intends to devour her, he's utterly fooled by this ruse. When Noa encourages him to have sex with her, he gets naked without a care in the world, giving her the opportunity to rip his you-know-what off. After Noa rescues another prisoner, the pair batter Steve to death.

Now, Steve was obviously under the impression Noa was suffering from Stockholm syndrome, which is why he let his guard down. But considering he literally chopped her butt off and was going to turn her into a main course, did he honestly think she was into him?

Steve may be out of his mind, but he never came across as stupid until this moment.

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