10 More Dumb Decisions In Horror Movies That Got The Villain Killed

5. Vickers Could've Easily Avoided Her Death - Prometheus

Anaconda Jon Voight Death
20th Century Fox

In Ridley Scott's deeply underwhelming Alien prequel, Prometheus, a space crew is tasked with investigating a distant moon, believing it harbours secrets about mankind's origins. 

Though the mission is seemingly led by Meredith Vickers, she's following the orders of her ailing father, Peter Weyland, who's hoping to find a cure for death.

Despite Peter's fervency, Vickers has little faith in the mission, nor does she care for anyone but herself. When her father is killed by an extra-terrestrial called The Engineer, she immediately abandons her crew members.

Even though Vickers proves to be adaptable and resourceful, she is undone by her own idiocy. After The Engineer's crescent-shaped ship is blown out of the sky, Vickers runs for dear life. Since the craft is rolling towards her, she can easily avoid being crushed by dashing to the side. 

Instead, Vickers keeps running in front of the ship, causing her to be flattened like a pancake. Her stupidity here is so jawdropping, this scene would be more fitting in a sci-fi parody.

Although Prometheus contains plenty of illogical scenes, Vickers' preposterous blunder here has to take the top prize.

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