10 More Horror Movie Heroes Who Made Everything Worse

These so-called saviours must have missed the memo on what a hero actually does.

Army of Darkness Evil Ash
Universal Pictures

If you ask most people to define what a hero is, then they'll probably say something along the lines of a person who turns up and saves the day.

Movie history is full of folks who get caught up in nasty business but, through their wit, cunning, and bravery, are able to overcome the odds and make everything better for everyone. Alas, not everybody can live up to these lofty standards.

Sometimes, a protagonist in a film comes along and, either on purpose or by some misalignment of fate, completely ruins everything. Whether they were being manipulated by some outside force or they were a bit of a dunce, these "heroes" end up doing more damage than any villain ever could.

Horror movies are rife with this sort of thing, as outlined in this other list on horror movie heroes who made things worse. As it turns out, there are way more examples out there of well-meaning folk who end up completely putting their foot in it. Unfortunately, the "it" in their case is usually either a pool of blood or a bear trap.

You know what they say - the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

10. Anna D'Antoni - Maniac (1980)

Army of Darkness Evil Ash
Analysis Film Releasing Corporation

Regardless of whether you watch the 1980 original or the 2012 remake, Maniac is all kinds of messed up.

Both versions follow Frank, a man suffering from childhood trauma who takes his pain out on the world by murdering women and removing their scalps. This is why therapy is important, people!

As with most women-targeting serial killers, Frank ends up falling for one of his supposed victims. In this case, it's a photographer named Anna, played by Caroline Munro in the original and Nora Arnezeder in the remake.

Anna spots Frank out and about and takes a picture of him, which leads to him developing an infatuation with her. Unfortunately, the poor woman is completely oblivious to his homicidal ways, and ends up delivering victims to Frank on a plate.

She introduces him to Rita, one of her colleagues, who Frank eventually ends up kidnapping and scalping. Nice one, Anna. Try explaining that one to HR.

Even if you don't blame her for not knowing Frank's true nature, Anna was old enough to know not to invite strange men into her workplace, a mistake for which she paid heavily.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.