10 More Horror Movie Heroes Who Made Everything Worse

9. Paul - Cabin Fever

Army of Darkness Evil Ash

The feature film debut from modern horror powerhouse Eli Roth, Cabin Fever pits a group of teens against a deadly virus whilst they're on vacation in the middle of the woods.

Why must teens constantly take trips to the middle of woods? When will they learn?

Heading up the gang is Paul, played by Rider Strong, who has the coolest name in human history. The future voice of Brick Flagg in Kim Possible might be the so-called "hero" of this picture, but he ends up making one costly mistake that ends up biting everyone in the behind.

When the group is confronted by a homeless man named Henry, the first person to contract the disease, Paul ends up setting him on fire, which causes him to run away. Had Paul been able to kill Henry, it would have saved a lot of trouble, as the drifter's infected body ends up in a local lake, causing the virus to spread via the water supply.

Oh, wait, there's more! Paul also gets infected later on, but instead of telling anyone, he tries to go to a hospital and ends up passing the disease on to a bunch of people along the way.

What a guy.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.