10 More Horror Movie Heroes Who Made Everything Worse

8. Elise Rainier - Insidious

Army of Darkness Evil Ash
Momentum Pictures

Before it turned into a franchise and got completely out of hand, Insidious was a decent little ghost story directed by Saw bigwig James Wan.

Starring Patrick Wilson as Josh Lambert - yet another man with a rocky childhood - the movie explores themes of intergenerational trauma, as Josh inadvertently passes down his ability to project into the astral plane to his son Dalton.

After Dalton falls into a coma following an interaction with a spirit, his mother Renai (Rose Byrne) contacts a psychic named Elise Rainier, played by Lin Shaye. It is Elise who discovers Dalton's ability and who suggests Josh reawaken his old powers to go after, which turns out to be the worst possible choice anyone could have made.

Whilst Josh is successful in saving his boy, he ends up possessed by an evil entity. This sets up the events of the second film, as Renai must work to bring Josh back to the light.

Elise knew full well that Josh was susceptible to possession, having worked with him as a boy, so why on Earth did she suggest this plan?

The spirit inside Josh ends up murdering her, so at least she got her comeuppance.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.