10 More Horror Movie Villains With Absolutely No Motive

6. The Men - Men

Horror Movie Villains No Motive

Imagine you rock up in a sleepy little village in the English countryside, ready to relax and unwind and get away from it all - it all being your boyfriend jumping off the balcony of your London flat and impaling himself on the railings below - only to find the place inhabited by a slew of sinister men who all look like Rory Kinnear.

Well, that's the plot of Alex Garland's Men, so you don't have to imagine it. Jessie Buckley stars as Harper Marlowe, the unlucky young woman who can't seem to escape the Men of the village as their interventions and advances go from slightly eerie to downright messed up. A priest tells her she's the source of all her problems, a naked man follows her through the countryside, and a group of punters chase her home from the pub - all concluding in an absurd birth/rebirth scene in which the men she has encountered are spawned from each other's bloody nether regions.

Sure, it's great commentary on gender imbalance, misogyny and toxic masculinity, though none of these ideas individually get us any closer to what the men themselves actually want, or why they do the terrible things they do - but maybe that's the point.

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