10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

8. Cybil Bennett - Silent Hill

Silent Hill
Alliance Atlantis

Despite the negative reception from movie critics, Silent Hill was praised by gamers for perfectly capturing the spirit of Konami's survival horror game. Rather than stuffing this adaption with generic references from the source material, Silent Hill nails the game's focus on atmosphere and sense of dread. Yes, there is a plethora of brutal violence and creative gore, but it's the way it's gradually built up that leaves the audience rattled.

And few scenes exemplify this principle better than how Cybil Bennett (Laurie Holden) meets her maker. After being captured by a horde of witches, Cybil is strapped to a wooden device and gradually lowered into a bonfire.

Rather than dropping her directly into the fire pit, Cybil is placed just above it. The boiling steam cooks her alive, forcing Cybil to experience a far slower death. With no means of escape, all Cybil can do is writhe and scream as layers of skin are visibly seared from her face.

Ironically, it's a relief when the flames finally work themselves up Cybil's body, since they bring her agonising demise to an immediate end.

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