10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

3. Theodore Allen - Se7en

Silent Hill
Warner Bros.

David Fincher's masterclass thriller follows a pair of detectives, Somerset and Mills, who are tasked with hunting down John Doe; a serial killer who styles his murders on the seven deadly sins.

Doe makes his victims suffer tremendously, slashing their face to ribbons, forcing them to peel off their own flesh, or eating themselves to death. But nobody had it worse than Theodore Allen. Being a sexual deviant and drug dealer, Doe believed Allen was the perfect candidate to represent the sin of Sloth.

After kidnapping him, Doe strapped Allen down and spent a year having him starved, drugged, and mutilated, even chopping his hand off. Allen was so desperate to end his life, he bit off his own tongue. By the time the cops found him, Allen was nothing more than a skeletal shell.

While examining the body, the police were horrified to see Allen cough, proving he somehow survived everything he endured.

As unsettling as it to see Allen's infected and gangrenous body, the most disturbing moment is when the doctor assesses him. Confirming Allen to be braindead, the doctor informs the detectives, "He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered, give or take... and he still has hell to look forward to".

Although one of cops claims Allen got what he deserved, it's hard to believe any human being, no matter how depraved, could deserve such a fate.

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