10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

4. Timothy Young - Saw III

Silent Hill

In Saw III, Jigsaw's apprentices kidnap grieving father Jeff, who's unable to move on after his son Dylan was killed by a drunk driver. Hoping to help Jeff find closure, Jigsaw compels him to play a twisted game involving everyone who played a hand in Dylan's death.

In the final test, Jeff comes face-to-face with the drunk driver, Timothy Young, who's tied to an elaborate racking machine. Up until this point, nothing was known about Timothy, save for the fact he took a child's life. For that reason, it was easy to picture him as evil incarnate.

But when Jeff sees Timothy, a flashback shows how inconsolable he was after accidentally killing the boy. Even though Timothy's actions are horrific, it's clear he's not an irredeemable monster.

Just as viewers are starting to feel sorry for Timothy, the rack suddenly activates. Slowly but surely, the mechanism contorts Timothy's limbs one by one, shattering his bones.

Despite what Timothy took away from Jeff, the grief-stricken father feels obligated to save him. Unable to understand how to turn the device off, Jeff is forced to watch Timothy's arms, legs, and neck break, while helplessly screaming, "I forgive you!"

Timothy may have taken an innocent life, but he absolutely did not deserve to die like this.

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