10 Scariest Movies That Aren't Horror

1. Mulholland Drive

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And finally, while many might consider David Lynch's Mulholland Drive a straight-up horror movie - and honestly, who can blame them? - Lynch himself insists that it isn't. So, Word of God and all that.

All the same, this delirious mystery-thriller offers up one of the most terrifying depictions of identity crisis ever committed to film, complete with perfectly executed jump scares, deeply disturbing imagery, and an overcurrent of pervasive dread.

While the particulars of Mulholland Drive's narrative remain up for debate almost 25 years on, it so acutely feels like the experience of someone losing their mind in cinematic form, aided by superb performances from Naomi Watts and Laura Elena Harring.

Like much of Lynch's output, the overall tone is so uncomfortable throughout that it can certainly be deemed horror-adjacent. All the same, nobody would blame you for calling it a pure horror movie - just don't say it to Lynch's face.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.