10 Worst Recastings In Horror Movie History

6. Chloë Grace Moretz - Carrie

A Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Robert Englund Jackie Earle Haley
Sony Pictures Releasing

To many, Sissy Spacek will always be Carrie White, as her portrayal of the troubled teen in the 1976 Stephen King adaptation was that damn good. This was despite the fact that Spacek was in her mid-20s when the film came out, whilst the character was only meant to be 16. 

Following a horrible TV movie adaptation in 2002, Carrie got another remake in 2013, and this one cast a much more age-appropriate actor in the lead role. This was Chloë Grace Moretz, who actually was 16 and had already built up quite the resume with films like Hugo, Let the Right One In, and the Kick-Ass series. 

Sadly for Chloë, Carrie just wasn’t a good fit.

The story, which centres around the titular girl, her troubled relationship with her mother (this time played by Julianne Moore), and her unpleasant school life, requires a performance that skits close to the edge, before exploding in a huge rage at the climax. Moretz played Carrie way too composed, so that when it did all come apart at the end, it wasn’t nearly as believable. 

This whole project was deemed completely unnecessary, as it didn’t do anything that the original hadn’t already done better.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.