10 Absolutely Insane Rider Requests By Spoilt Musicians
7. No Bananas (Seriously) - Jack White

Whether it's with The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather or his own solo project, Jack White certainly gets around. The singer/songwriter has combined his love for the blues and soul with powerful rock riffs and heavy choruses to create a truly unique and unforgettable sound. With so many different projects and side projects, the man is constantly touring so it's no surprise that he demands a few luxuries to make his trips a bit more enjoyable.
Although, at first glance, there may not be much out of the ordinary about White's rider, the final request listed requires that there be absolutely no bananas whatsoever anywhere near him. Has he had a violent encounter with a banana wielding monkey? Or has he had too many traumatic experiences of banana skins on Mario Kart? We simply don't know.
What we do know, however, is that when his rider was found and put online, there was a lot of speculation about the banana ban and it even resulted in one of White's production team writing a very strongly worded letter trying to play down White's banana phobia. The mystery behind it, however, is yet to be solved.