10 Albums That Fell Apart During Production

6. Freaky Styley - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Whenever the Red Hot Chili Peppers have a bad record on their hands, it's usually down to them using the wrong producer. Even though their early years had some great potential, Rick Rubin could practically be called the fifth member of the band, always having their best interest in mind and pushing them to make the best kind of music they're capable of under the right circumstances. Long before they met their bearded shaman though, the Peppers may have been having too much fun on Freaky Styley.

Though the production credit from George Clinton makes perfect sense with the Peppers' funk rock style, the recording sessions quickly turned into a 24 hour a day party, with George being out of his mind on cocaine and the band indulging in a little too much as well, leading to songs that feel incredibly slipshot. While this is definitely an improvement from the demo sounds of their debut, you can tell that George is concerned with the low end more than anything, bringing up Flea's bass in the mix and Hillel Slovak's guitars taking a back seat most of the time.

Those drugs ended up coming back in other ways too, with the guest voice saying "look at that turtle go" coming courtesy of Clinton's drug dealer after not having enough money to pay him for his stash. Some bands can go through all of the drugs they want and still make a quality record, but Freaky Styley just sounds like a party that's one bad trip away from going completely off the rails.

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