10 Amazing Bands Who Lost Members At The Height Of Their Potential

10. Led Zeppelin (John Bonham)

By the time John Bonham asphyxiated due to excessive alcohol consumption in 1980, Led Zeppelin had been long established as the biggest band in the world. Part of this success was due to every band member pulling his own weight. More so than most of their contemporaries, the contributions of each member were necessary in forming the unique Led Zeppelin sound. Bonham's precise and forceful style remains one of the most influential drumming templates in rock. Without it, there could be no Led Zeppelin. Although the proverbial writing on the wall could already be seen in principal songwriter Jimmy Page€™s descent into heroin addiction, Bonzo€™s death officially nailed the coffin of Led Zeppelin shut. So devastated by Bonham€™s passing was Page that he refused to touch a guitar for some time afterwards. Despite millions of fans passionately clamouring for a reunion and a number of famous drummers being rumoured to take Bonham€™s place, aside from some one-offs featuring John€™s son Jason Bonham there has never been a Zeppelin reunion in over 30 years. Since all the surviving members remained active in the music industry and Led Zeppelin's last album, the underrated In Through the Out Door, showed an intriguing new direction, it€™s difficult to imagine the wealth of Zeppelin material the world missed out on with Bonham€™s passing.
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Kyle Schmidlin is a writer and musician living in Austin, TX. He manages the news blog at thirdrailnews.wordpress.com. Follow him at facebook.com/kyleschmidlin or twitter.com/kyleschmidlin1.