10 Amazing Music Videos Of The 21st Century

9. The Horrors - Sheena Is A Parasite

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x172oz_the-horrors-sheena-is-a-parasite_creation Chris Cunningham made a name for himself in the 90s by making hands-down the most terrifying music videos with his Aphex Twin's Come To Daddy and Windowlicker videos. Working with The Horrors on their Sheena Is A Parasite video, he manages to continually scare the hell out of people and do it within a one-and-a-half minute timeframe. This impressive feat contributed to the video being banned in the UK and virtually ignored in the US. The video's premise is simple but it still works with every subsequent viewing. Actress Samantha Morton is standing there in a white dress in front of a black background. As she thrashes about to the song, dancing like a maniac, she lifts up her dress to let her intestines (or tentacles) attack the camera. This goes on for a minute and thirty seconds while the band plays nearby, strobe-light flashing at all the right moments. One can only imagine what a feature length horror film directed by Chris Cunningham would be like. And let's give kudos for Oscar nominee Samantha Morton for being in a video such as this. It's not like we'd ever see Dame Judi Dench exposing her freaky intestines on camera like Morton does. Although that would surpass the freakiness of this video tenfold - just a thought.

Just like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, Mickey Galie is the best friend a good time ever had.