10 Amazing Rock Songs Not Sung By The Lead Singer

5. Heaven Beside You - Alice in Chains

Every vocal that's on an Alice in Chains project has been much more of a group effort for everyone involved. Much like other metal bands would use two different guitarists to play off each other, both Jerry Cantrell and Layne Staley have operated more like a vocal team during the '90s, always swapping lines with each other and slipping in the perfect harmonies for every track. As Layne got more into drugs though, Cantrell still had to make ends meet for Heaven Beside You.

Springing to life during a jam session, Cantrell put the riff on the backburner for their self titled record and didn't bother to wait for Layne to turn up to record it. Staley was always accepting of Jerry taking lead vocals on some songs though, so it would make sense that something like this would see him flying solo, especially since it was a stripped back acoustic song for most of the track.

When it became the lead single for the project though, this started to set off some alarm bells for some of the hardcore fans of the band. It was nice to finally hear Jerry get a single cut, but this was not looking well for Layne by any stretch. If the man who gave us songs like Man in the Box can't conjure it up for the lead single, it really did start to feel like the beginning of the end.

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