10 Amazing Songs That Don't Have A Chorus

4. 2112 - Rush

By their fourth record, Rush had basically done everything they could and were on the verge of getting completely dropped by their label. While some of the songs off of Fly By Night had done okay, their knack for delving into experimental concepts and long grandiose songs was a bit much for the label to handle, and made it borderline impossible for their songs to get played on the radio. The label may have given them one more chance to write a hit, but if Rush were going out, it was going to be all guns blazing.

Opening their next record with a 20 minute story song, 2112 quickly became a metaphor for the label jerking them around all the time, imagining a dystopia where priests (read as: A&R men) were trying to outlaw the kind of free expression that Rush were trying to make in their music. The whole song seems to tell the story of this dystopian world, with our hero finding a lost relic called a guitar and choosing to hold onto his integrity with his discovery instead of giving into the demands of his higher ups.

It was this same kind of attitude that eventually bought Rush their freedom, as fans flocked from across the country because of how much they connected with the story of fighting for what you believe in. The album might not have been the hit that the label had imagined, but Rush had found their congregation and were now given the golden ticket to do whatever they wanted.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97