10 Amazing Stories Behind Famous Rock Album Music Covers

4. That's A Stretch (Rubber Soul - The Beatles)

When it comes to special album covers, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to the Fab Four.

Whether its the rouge's gallery on the front of Sgt. Pepper's or the allegedly message-laden zebra crossing picture from Abbey Road, The Beatles could have entire books written about their album artwork, and they probably already have.

But let's focus on a record that doesn't always get that much love, especially considering how vital it was to the band's evolution.

Rubber Soul from 1965 was the group's first foray outside of guitar-based pop. With the likes of Norwegian Wood, Nowhere Man, and In My Life, The Beatles showed everyone that they were capable of more mature songwriting and, more importantly, that they loved drugs now.

The cover image for Rubber Soul was taken by photographer Robert Freeman, who displayed it to the band projected onto a piece of cardboard. The base slipped slightly, giving the image a stretched appearance.

Instead of dismissing this as an accident, the band loved the odd dimensions of the image and decided it would be perfect to convey their changed attitude.

They were the same Beatles as before, just a little different.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.