10 Artists Who Grew Out Of Their Appeal

8. Justin Bieber

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4 Oh, Justin Bieber. Where did it all go wrong? There was a time when this young singer was on the right track. Yes, people have always made fun of his music (and his hair), but speaking objectively and realistically, he really could have made that smooth transition from teen pop idol to accomplished R&B star. Instead, Bieber favours acting like a little brat and upsetting pretty much everyone, with his habits of making offensive comments, spitting on fans and generally swanning around with the air that his excrement does not carry an odour. At present, he is struggling to sustain his current fanbase, let alone acquire new 'Beliebers '. Bieber would be foolish to chase the unattainable goal of trying to maintain a sweet, squeaky-clean persona; he was destined to grow out of his appeal eventually. This faux-gangsta badboy thing he's been trying could even have been something interesting if it worked - that's interesting, not likeable or enjoyable - but sadly it's just really irritating. One wonders when he might actually grow up and fight to save any chance of success he may still have - although it may already be too late.

Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.