10 Artists That Went Head-To-Head With The Music Industry And WON

3. Tom Petty Vs MCA

Tom Petty showed up at MCA€™s door with a new album he felt was the best stuff he€™d recorded to date. As a member of the Heartbreakers he€™d already recorded a string of financially and critically successful albums, and since collaborating with the Traveling Wilburys (alongside Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, George Harrison and Roy Orbison) he had some very influential friends.

Remarkably for a man who€™d only ever known success, the executives told him to come back when he could give them a hit.

Rather than re-record an album he felt was as good as he could do, he left it alone and did some work with the Wilburys. In 1989, after a change at the top of MCA, he returned and the album was accepted €“ no changes were made. The rest of the story goes like this: the album sold 5 million copies, topped the charts and produced five singles €“ €˜Free Falling€™ becoming his most recognisable song.

What do record companies know, anyway?

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Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.