10 Awesome Taylor Swift Songs That Aren't About Guys

3. Innocent

What It's About: Being Mature Enough To Forgive Those Who've Wronged You Making the top three is Innocent, a hauntingly beautiful song about forgiveness, closure and emotional maturity; deep topics that a casual listener might not necessarily expect from bubbly, fun-loving, hopeless romantic Taylor Swift. Taylor has confessed that the inspiration for Innocent stemmed from Kanye West€™s unexpected outburst at the VMA€™s in 2009. West, during the announcement of Best Female Music Video, sabotaged Taylor€™s acceptance speech by interrupting and claiming Beyonce€™s video was in fact more deserving. As a result of this, Taylor decided to use her trademark way of dealing with her emotions by converting them to song. However, Taylor has stated that she did so because she believed €œit was important to write a song to him€ rather than about him, in an attempt to offer forgiveness to Kanye, rather than demand pity from her fans. What makes Innocent so poignant is that Taylor reminds her listeners that even as an adult, you never really stop growing, people have childish relapses when they wish they could return to their €œfirefly catching days€ and forget they have responsibilities and that their actions have consequences. Taylor uses the word €œinnocent€ as a term of endearment for someone who did something wrong, but because of lack of thought, rather than malice. The line €œWho you are is not what you did€ promotes forgiveness in a way that reminds us that people sometimes make mistakes, but if you€™re remorseful, they don€™t necessarily define who you are.
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Taylor Swift
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Lucie mostly enjoys long walks on the beach and short walks to the fridge, while dabbling in a little bit of writing here and there. The quickest way to her heart is probably through chocolate, laughing at her terrible jokes and sappy electronic music... but handing her a cheque for £1 million would probably work too.