10 Bands That Ditched What Made Them Famous

2. U2

As the 80's were winding down, U2 had settled into their place as one of the kings of rock music. Not only had they made strides for social change at Live Aid, but they also released what many consider to be the best album of the 80's with The Joshua Tree.

With fans itching for more of the band's ethereal sound and bombastic performances, the lads from Dublin had other plans for their musical direction. Instead of reaching for the mantle of kings of rock, the band circumvented their usual image by immersing themselves in post modern irony. Suddenly, Bono went from being the most captivating frontman in the world to a more cynical caricature of what a pompous rock star looked like. While it still made for great entertainment on the live stage, the ethos had turned a corner.

Fans were even more shocked when the band put out Achtung Baby, with songs that incorporated more electronic sounds along with a subdued writing style. Though fans may have been scratching their heads, this change of pace was exactly what the band needed, as it made them fit right in amid the new alternative rock scene coming to fruition. The time for rock was over. The era of The Fly was born.

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